In the Emailify export panel, select the MailChimp option from the dropdown list, then paste in a valid MailChimp API key, which can be generated from your MailChimp account settings page.

When you’re ready, click the Upload To MailChimp button to start exporting the emails you’ve selected from Figma to HTML, and have them automatically be uploaded to your MailChimp templates page (which you can also get to from your MailChimp dashboard menu by clicking on Content, then clicking Email templates).

Making images editable in MailChimp campaign editor

By default, the text content areas and rows in your HTML template will be editable in the MailChimp campaign editor after it’s uploaded; you can also optionally allow images to be editable by enabling the Editable Images toggle in the Emailify export settings.

Enabling editable images will use @1x images (instead of @2x retina). You can optionally enable your images in the template to be editable in MailChimp with the Editable Images toggle, but unfortunately, MailChimp doesn’t support editable @2x retina images, so these will be @1x instead. If you’d prefer to have @2x retina images that aren’t editable, please leave this option turned off.

Blurry images in the MailChimp editor (when template is editable)

Unfortunately, MailChimp doesn’t support editable @2x retina images, so your images will be exported @1x resolution if you’ve enabled the Editable Images toggle. If you’d prefer to have @2x retina images that aren’t editable, please leave the Editable Images toggle option turned off.