Before you export your HTML emails from Emailify, you can optionally set the subject line and preheader text by populating the Subject Line and Preheader Text inputs in the export panel, after clicking on the Export HTML button in the plugin header menu.

Subject Line

The subject line will be added to the <title> tag in your exported HTML’s <head> tag (which will be used as the browser tab name if the email is “viewed in the browser”); it will also be used to set the subject line in your email marketing platform if you’re using a built-in Emailify upload integration (and if the email marketing platform API supports setting the subject line).

Preheader Text

The preheader text will be used as the text that’s seen next to your subject line when the email is viewed inside the inbox of an email client; it will automatically inject your preheader text inside of an invisible <div> tag, so it won’t be visible when viewing the email, but it will be shown in the inbox preview as the first text content that it reads from the HTML.

If you’ve already set the preheader text in Emailify, you don’t need to set it again in your email marketing platform, or this may double up the preview text when you send out the email.

Add extra whitespace to the preheader text. You can optionally include the whitespace preheader trick to ensure that the body content of your email doesn’t show up in the recipient email client’s subject line area. You can turn this on by enabling the Add Whitespace to Preview Text toggle in the email export options.