Install & Activate Pitchdeck
Install & Run the Figma plugin
How to run Pitchdeck inside of Figma
Activate Pitchdeck Pro
How to buy and use a Pro license key
Using Pitchdeck
Pitchdeck Documentation
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Pitchdeck Video Tutorials
Full step-by-step video walkthroughs
Frequently Asked Questions
Troubleshooting Pitchdeck
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Pitchdeck Security
Details about how Pitchdeck works
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Manage your Pro subscription
License Seat Management
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Pitchdeck Free vs Pro
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Pitchdeck features
- Super easy animations and real-time previews inside Figma.
- Export slides to an interactive shareable URL to present in the browser.
- Export files for PowerPoint/Keynote/Google Slides, with editable text.
- Export to a PDF file (with optional password protection).
- Import slides from PowerPoint, Google Slides or Keynote (as exported .pptx files) into Figma automatically (BETA)
- Add GIFs and YouTube/Vimeo/MP4 video embeds to layers in your slides.
- Built-in presentation analytics data and custom share link URLs.
- Embed content from Figma, Loom, Canva, Lottie, Google Docs/Sheets/Slides, SoundCloud or Spotify.
- Add slide links or website URL links to layers in your slides.
- Built-in GIPHY and Pixabay search integrations.
- Quickly re-order slides by visual position, Figma layer order or drag and drop.
- Automatically generate Charts by adding your own CSV data.
- Optional automatic page numbering Figma component for your slides.
- Set approval workflow statuses to keep track of which slides are ready.
- Automatically generates password protected presentation URLs.
- Simple, seamless and easy to use presentations in the browser.
- Includes speaker notes, timer, laser pointer, and slide controls.
- Control your presentation from your phone/tablet by scanning a QR code.
- Present in fullscreen with notes and controls on a second screen.
- Spell check your Figma slides in dozens of languages.
- The Pitchdeck plugin can be run in both Figma and Figma Slides.