Cancel Subscription
You can cancel your plan at any time by clicking the subscription settings or manage membership link at the bottom of any email receipt sent from Gumroad and then clicking on the Cancel membership button.
Update Payment Details
You can update your payment details at any time by clicking the subscription settings or manage membership link at the bottom of any email receipt sent from Gumroad and then clicking on the Use a different card? button, add your new credit card details and click the Update membership button.
Upgrade/Downgrade Seats
You can add or remove seats on your license at any time by clicking the subscription settings or manage membership link in any email receipt sent from Gumroad, then clicking on the plus (+) or minus (-) buttons under Seats to the total number you need on your license, and click the Update membership button.
Prorated Pricing When Upgrading Seats
Gumroad uses prorated pricing to calculate the exact amount when adding extra seats to an existing subscription, which can be a bit confusing at first glance.
If we use an example of an existing annual TinyImage license with 1 seats on it (billed yearly at $192/year), and we want to upgrade the license to have 2 seats on it during the year.
Essentially, when you upgrade seats on a subscription, it will take the total price for those seats (eg. $384 for 2 TinyImage seats in this case) and subtract/discount the unused period from your existing billing cycle, and only charge that remaining amount, depending on how many days remain in your current billing cycle (eg. so let's say, $243.18, in this case), and then the billing cycle date will also get reset from 1 year (or month, if you're billed monthly) from today's date as well (eg. upgrading your annual subscription on January 25th 2025 means your next billing date will be on January 25th 2026 for the full amount of $384 again).
VAT Refunds
If you open your email receipt, then click the "Manage membership" link, you can generate an invoice from there and input a VAT ID, which will automatically refund the VAT.
If you enter your VAT ID upon checkout initially, it shouldn't charge you at all.
30 Day Refund Policy
We really want you to get value from using our Figma plugins! If you don't see value within the first 30 days, please contact us for a full refund.