To use this option, click the Export Presentation button in the Pitchdeck toolbar, then ensure that the PowerPoint (.pptx file) option is selected as the presentation export format. Once you’ve configured your export settings, you can click the Export button to begin exporting your slides.

Animations and videos won't be included in the exported .pptx file. Please note that any animations or video embeds included in the Pitchdeck plugin won't be included in your PowerPoint export. These are only used for a presentation uploaded to the Pitchdeck web app.

Using Retina @2x Images

Enabling the 2x Retina Images toggle option will automatically export any JPG and PNG images at retina (@2x) resolution. This will give you sharper looking images in your presentation, but will also increase the file sizes of any JPG and PNG images.

Compressing images

Enabling the Compress Images toggle option will compress any JPG and PNG images used in your presentation.

Downsizing your Figma layer fills

Enabling the Downsize Large Figma Image Fills toggle will automatically resize (and lightly compress) any Figma image fills on your layers to their actual layer size. This is useful if you've originally imported high resolution images to your Figma file, but then shrunk the layer dimensions down to be much smaller (with the original large image file still being used).

One common case of this would be adding a large image from Unsplash (or another stock photo site/plugin), the resizing that layer to be used as a much smaller "card" or "avatar" image. This can cause the performance of your Figma file to slow down and potentially crash when exporting these layers via the Pitchdeck export options; so using this feature will help save file size and improve page performance in your Figma file.

Using editable text

Enabling the Use Editable Text option will export your .pptx file with text that can be edited in PowerPoint/Keynote/Google Slides. When this option is not enabled, all text will be exported as text. Please note that there may be some minor visual differences between editable text in PowerPoint/Keynote/Google Slides and Figma.

Ensure that any custom fonts are installed/replaced. Please note that opening the exported .pptx file on a computer which doesn't have the fonts used in Figma installed will cause the text to look different than it does in the Figma design. Please ensure you install any required fonts or replace/substitute any missing fonts in PowerPoint/Keynote/Google Slides where needed.

If you would like to exclude any layers from being rendered as rich text in your .pptx file exports, you can include [PNG] anywhere in the layer name of a parent layer (eg. Frame, Group, Component, Instance) that contains your text layers; this will automatically skip over any nested text layers inside that parent layer from being exported as rich text in your PowerPoint exports, and will render that entire layer as a static image instead.

Rendering bullet/number lists

Enabling the Render Bullet/Number Lists option will export your .pptx file with lists created in Figma text layers carried over.

Please ensure each Figma layer only contains its own list. One thing to be mindful of of using this feature is that the entire text layer will be rendered as a list in the .pptx file export, so having a Figma text layer with mixed bullet/number/normal text content will all be rendered with whichever the first list type detected is.

The best approach if you'd like to use this lists feature is to ensure that any list in Figma is its own text layer (and move any other text content into a different layer).

Including slide numbers

Enabling the Include Slide Number option will export your .pptx file with page numbering included. This will automatically add a page number to each of your slides in the position you've specified. To change the position of your slide numbers, you can click on the select boxes for horizontal (to select from Left, Center or Right) and vertical (to select from Top, Center or Bottom) positioning.

Using Figma Components as Master Slides

Enabling the Create Master Slides from Components option will export your .pptx file with any slides created as a Figma Component automatically used as "Master Slides" that can be re-used as templates to create new slides from in PowerPoint, Keynote or Google Slides.

Image placeholders are only supported in PowerPoint Please note that images (that aren't locked; see the tip below) will be turned into placeholders for master slides when the PowerPoint export option is selected. Unfortunately, the Google Slides and Keynote export options don't support image placeholders, so any image content will be static in your master slide templates.

Preventing certain image layers from becoming placeholder boxes. By default, any images (besides the slide background) will be turned into placeholder slots in your master slides. If you'd like to keep any of these image elements static, you can Lock any of those Figma layers (in the main Figma layers panel), and this will ensure that any locked image layers are kept "as-is" in your master slide.

Downloading your .pptx file

After clicking the Export button, you'll see a confirmation screen letting you know that your .pptx file is ready to download. To download the .pptx file from Figma to your computer, you can click the Download your .pptx file button in the Pitchdeck plugin.

Saving file downloads from Figma If you're using the Figma desktop app, you'll see a prompt appear to download your file. However, if you're using Figma in a web browser, your file will automatically be downloaded to your computer by default (usually to the Downloads directory on your computer).

Opening your .pptx file with PowerPoint

Once you’ve downloaded your .pptx file, you can open it using your Microsoft PowerPoint app installed on your computer.