To add todo items (or check-off any existing todo items) on your Figma comments, make sure the Figma Comments tab is selected, then click on any Figma comment card to open up its details panel in the plugin.
Once you've clicked on a Figma comment, under the Todos tab in the comment details popup panel, you can assign todo items to yourself (or other Figma users who are also using the Commentful plugin) by typing in the todo input field, then clicking the Add Todo button (or pressing the Enter key) to create the new todo item on your Figma comment.
The todo items will appear under the Todos tab when this comment is viewed by any Figma user who is using the Commentful plugin, and a list of all the todo items just assigned to you will also be easily viewable under the My Todos tab when you select either the Assigned Todos (This Page) or Assigned Todos (All Pages) dropdown filter option.
The completed number and percentage of any todos created for a Figma comment will be viewable from the kanban board overview cards under the Figma Comments tab, and also whenever the comment card is clicked, under the Overview tab.
To add todo items (or check-off any existing todo items) on your Figma comments, make sure the Figma Comments tab is selected, then click on any Figma comment card to open up its details panel in the plugin.
Once you've clicked on a Figma comment, under the Todos tab in the comment details popup panel, you can assign todo items to yourself (or other Figma users who are also using the Commentful plugin) by typing in the todo input field, then clicking the Add Todo button (or pressing the Enter key) to create the new todo item on your Figma comment.
The todo items will appear under the Todos tab when this comment is viewed by any Figma user who is using the Commentful plugin, and a list of all the todo items just assigned to you will also be easily viewable under the My Todos tab when you select either the Assigned Todos (This Page) or Assigned Todos (All Pages) dropdown filter option.
The completed number and percentage of any todos created for a Figma comment will be viewable from the kanban board overview cards under the Figma Comments tab, and also whenever the comment card is clicked, under the Overview tab.