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Including a backup.jpg fallback image file for all banners

Enabling the Include a "backup.jpg" for all banners toggle will automatically export your frames from Figma as a @1x JPG and be included in each banner folder as a backup.jpg file.

Specifying a maximum size in kilobytes (kb) will automatically optimize the backup.jpg image file to be under your specified limit. If you don't specify a size limit for your backup image, it will automatically default to 200kb (you also can set a higher limit, if needed).

Hiding layers from your backup images โ€‹

If you have different content layers transitioning in and out at different points in your banner animation, you will likely want to hide some of those from appearing in the your backup.jpg file.

You can do this by enabling the Hide in backup.jpg toggle for any layer in its layer settings panel, which will ensure it doesn't get included in the backup image for that banner.